

Thursday, June 13, 2013

At Alta Loma Dental Care Our Crowns Give Rancho Cucamonga, CA Patients A Regal Smile Restoration

When a tooth is damaged due to severe decay, infection, breakage or other issue, a restoration is imperative to preserve the tooth’s function and the complete beauty of a smile. We work hard to ensure that all of Rancho Cucamonga, CA patients can rely on us to preserve smile aesthetic as well as oral health.  One way we accomplish this is with high quality, custom dental crowns.

Crowns are a great way to turn back the clock on tooth enamel. Although they can be crafted from a variety of materials, porcelain crowns allow us to protect the structure of a tooth while refinishing its surface.  While crowns are most commonly used to restore a damaged tooth, in some cases, they can be used as part of a cosmetic treatment or smile makeover.  If you’re in need of either, please contact us directly here at Alta Loma Dental Care.  We look forward to answering all of your questions on dental crowns and the many other smile services and solutions we provide.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Rancho Cucamonga, CA Patients Renew Their Smiles With Our Modern Denture Services

Contrary to what you may think when you think about dentures, the right fit and the right pair will provide you with a reliable and beautiful smile replacement.  The dentures that we provide to our Ranch Cucamonga, CA practice are designed to appear and perform to meet the highest expectations.

The dentures you’ll receive from us at Alta Loma Dental Care are created from only the highest quality dental prosthetic materials, which are crafted to perfectly suit your features and fit comfortably. While nearly all dentures do require some time to adjust and fully make the transition, we provide our patients with personalized care and professional expertise that ensures complete satisfaction. Contact us directly here at Alta Loma Dental Care if you’re ready to make the switch into your very own high quality dentures.