

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Dangers of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a dangerous condition and should be treated as such. If you or someone you know suffers through the symptoms of sleep apnea, it is important to get treatment for it. At Alta Loma Dental Care, we offer treatment for sleep apnea and want our patients in the Alta Loma, CA area to know the dangers of ignoring sleep apnea.

Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the soft palate collapses while sleeping. This creates a blockage in the windpipe, significantly reducing the amount of air that gets by, or even completely stopping any air from getting by. It is often accompanied with loud snoring.

Sleep apnea causes severe fatigue due to the constant sleep interruptions. Even if you do not remember waking up, your body wakes up when it recognizes it isn’t breathing. In addition to your interrupted sleep, any sleeping partners may also have frequently interrupted sleep due to the loud snoring.

Because the body is not breathing normally throughout the night, serious health issues can arise. These issues include a higher risk of stroke and heart failure, liver problems, and hypertension.

Sleep apnea is nothing to take lightly.  If you suffer through sleep apnea, we offer several options for treatment in our Alta Loma, CA office. To learn more, call Alta Loma Dental Care at (909) 987-6268 or visit our website,

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Difference Between Plaque and Tartar

Many people know that plaque and tartar are bad for your teeth and gums, but many do not know the difference between the two. To achieve optimal oral health, at Alta Loma Dental Care of Alta Loma, CA, we want our patients to know the difference and why knowing is important.

Plaque and tartar happen when you do not brush your teeth properly or you frequently miss a hard-to-reach area with your brush. They are what cause cavities and gum disease. It can also lead to bad breath. While they are both bad for you, they are different. Well, technically they are the same, but in different stages.

Plaque forms on your teeth within hours of brushing. It is a thin, sticky substance created from the food we eat, the drinks we drink, and even our saliva. It coats our teeth. Plaque is easily brushed and flossed away. Since it forms just hours after brushing, this is why it is important to brush your teeth at least two times per day.

Tartar is what forms when plaque is not removed. Plaque will begin to crystalize and it hardens on the surface of your teeth. At this stage, it is only able to be removed by a dentist. Tartar can lead to gum disease, and since only a dentist can remove it, you do not want it to form in the first place.

Remember to brush your teeth two times per day. If a third time is possible, squeeze it in! Also, remember to floss every day to get in between your teeth. To schedule a cleaning and examination with Alta Loma Dental Care in our Alta Loma, CA office, call us at (909) 987-6268 or visit our website,

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Problems Smoking Causes for Oral Health

Smoking is bad for your health in many ways. One of the ways smoking wreaks havoc on your health is right where the smoke enters your body; your mouth. Alta Loma Dental Care of Alta Loma, CA wants to remind our patients why today is the best day to quit smoking.

Smoking is terrible for your lungs, your heart, your blood vessels, and pretty much every body system you have. It is a known cause of cancer, which includes mouth cancer. Cigarettes can cause abnormalities to form on the tongue, the gums, the lips, and the throat.

Smoking also causes more plaque, which can cause more build-up. It increases the risk of gum disease and creates a risk for cavities three times greater than those who do not smoke. In addition, smoking lowers your ability to fight infection, so gum disease or tooth infections can be much worse for a smoker.

In addition to the health risks that smoking poses, it also creates aesthetic oral problems. Smoking stains teeth and since smoking is habitual, your teeth will likely only get darker and darker until you quit. It can also create chronic bad breath due to how much it dries out your mouth.

If you are looking for more reasons to quit smoking, there is a ton just for oral health, alone. To learn more about Alta Loma Dental Care of Alta Loma, CA, call our office at (909) 987-6268 or visit our website,