Once you complete an oral surgery procedure, the extraction site will require special care and attention over the next few days. You may experience numbness, bleeding, and will need to alter your diet to accommodate the healing process. Our doctors at Alta Loma Dental Care will provide you with step-by-step instructions to follow at the end of your appointment. In the meantime, if you are anticipating your surgery, here’s what to expect afterward.
Swelling around the mouth, cheeks, and sides of the face are not uncommon, so don’t be alarmed if you look a little puffy. A certain amount of bleeding is expected following surgery, so be sure to replace gauze when necessary and place pressure to stop the bleeding. If you feel pain, take your prescribed medication tablets as directed and gently apply ice packs to the affected area. Your diet should be restricted to soft foods and liquids, and you will need to avoid sucking through a straw so the sutures don’t come undone.
If you have questions or concerns about oral surgery or post-operative care, please give us a call. To learn about services we provide at our practice, visit www.altalomadentalcare.com for more information. To schedule an appointment in our Alta Loma, CA office, call Alta Loma Dental Care at 909-987-6268.