
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Alta Loma Dental Care Helps Patients Suffering from Bad Breath
There are a lot of different things that can cause bad breath, such as bad dental hygiene causing particles to remain in the mouth, periodontal disease, respiratory tract infections, dry mouth, external causes like smoking cigarettes or drinking coffee, and certain illnesses, such as kidney, liver or lung disease. Diabetes has also been known to cause bad breath.
Dr. Michael Kim provides treatments based on the cause of bad breath in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. Tooth infections receive antibiotics and treatments, while periodontal care is provided for the treatment and prevention of bad breath when gingivitis or periodontal disease is the culprit. Patients are also urged to stop smoking cigarettes, as it can worse the condition. If you are struggling with bad breath, visit us in Rancho Cucamonga, CA.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Dr. Michael Kim of Alta Loma Dental Care Provides Comfortable Dental Procedures with Anesthesia
Here at Alta Loma Dental Care in Rancho Cucamonga, we care about the comfort of our patients during dental procedures, which is why we offer anesthesia for many of our treatments. Patients often have the option to choose between general and local anesthesia, depending on their anxiety level, though this depends largely on the type of treatment being performed. Anesthesia is helpful to the patient as it eliminates pain, while Dr. Michael Kim benefits by being able to perform treatments quickly and effectively.
The first type of anesthesia is general anesthesia, which means our patient is complexly unconscious (asleep). They have no memory of the treatment, are completely pain free and unaware of what is happening. This type of anesthesia is given through liquid or inhaled gas, and used for many oral surgery procedures, especially extracting wisdom teeth. We monitor our patients carefully while under general anesthesia.
Local anesthesia is also offered, which is injected under the skin. This type of anesthesia is for eliminating pain while getting a procedure done, such as fillings, root canals and basic extractions. The patient is awake and alert, but doesn’t experience any pain. Many patients also find they have less anxiety with local anesthesia. Visit our dental clinic in Rancho Cucamonga, CA if you want to find out more about anesthesia offered.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Air Abrasion is Offered to Rancho Cucamonga, CA Patients at Alta Loma Dental Care
Air abrasion is a technique we use in our dental office for fillings and removing tooth decay from the teeth. It is a drill-less technique that provides a more comfortable experience for Rancho Cucamonga, CA patients, but is also helpful for our dentist, Dr. Michael Kim, as well.
With air abrasion, there is an instrument that sprays away decay from the teeth by using a stream of particles aimed at the portion of the tooth with decay. With compressed air, it helps to remove these particles quickly and without sounds, heat or pressure.
There are a variety of benefits to air abrasion, including:
- No heat, pressure, vibration or sound.
- Most patients don’t need anesthesia.
- Leaves the working area dry for placing fillings.
- More of the healthy tooth remains.
- Less fracturing and chipping of the tooth.
- The procedure is very quick.
- Our dentist treats multiple sites in one visit with air abrasion.
Patients choose Alta Loma Dental Care in Rancho Cucamonga, CA partly because of the technology we use, including air abrasion. If you have anxiety about visiting the dentist due to the sounds and vibrations, call us at 909-296-7920 to schedule an appointment and request air abrasion.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Braces Align Smiles at Alta Loma Dental Care in Rancho Cucamonga, CA
There are many types of braces available for adolescents and adults, ranging from traditional metal braces to Invisalign, which are practically translucent. Invisalign and traditional can take anywhere from one year to four years in total before the teeth are ready to have the braces removed. Here at Alta Loma Dental Care in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, in addition to Invisalign braces, we offer another alternative in our Six Month Smiles program. The typical complete treatment length for patients getting these braces is right around six months.
Most Rancho Cucamonga, CA patients who choose Six Month Smiles braces are adults who don’t want to feel self-conscious with their braces for a long period of time. We use a combination of modern materials, innovation and orthodontic techniques to provide a shorter treatment. Here are some reasons to choose these types of braces:
1. Treatment in as little as six months.
2. Less expensive than traditional braces due to being worn less time.
3. Brackets available in tooth-colored and clear.
4. Wires are thin and barely visible.
If this sounds like the type of braces you want for straightening your teeth and correcting your bite, schedule an appointment at Alta Loma Dental Care with Dr. Michael Kim by calling 909-296-7920.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
What to Do Before Anesthesia at Alta Loma Dental Care
Patients come to Alta Loma Dental Care in Rancho Cucamonga, CA for extractions of impacted teeth and wisdom teeth, as well as for other oral procedures. Many of these procedures and extractions are done under anesthesia to be more comfortable and pain free for our patients. Patients must be aware of the type of anesthesia they will receive, and what must be done prior to their appointment. If they fail to follow instructions, the anesthesia may not work as well or wear off more quickly.
Alta Loma Dental Care patients should not eat or drink anything, including water, eight hours before surgery. They should also not smoke cigarettes 12 hours before surgery. Any medications or vitamins they take must be reported to our office so we can instruct them on when to stop taking them before surgery. It is also helpful that patients try and get a good night’s sleep prior to the appointment and anesthesia.
Aside from these basic instructions, Dr. Michael Kim advises Rancho Cucamonga, CA patients to avoid wearing the following items:
- Hair ties or hair pins
- Sandals or flip-flops
- Contact lenses
- Jewelry, including body jewelry, especially tongue rings
- Long sleeves; the blood pressure needs to be taken
Remember too, that all patients who have anesthesia need someone to drive them home following their procedure.
If patients follow these instructions, the anesthesia and procedure will go smoothly. Contact us at (909) 296-7920 for more information about pre-anesthesia instructions.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
What Should You Do After Implant Surgery at Alta Loma Dental Care?
Providing dental implants is one of the cosmetic dental procedures we offer at Alta Loma Dental Care. Dr. Michael Kim urges patients to follow his aftercare instructions for faster healing and to avoid potential complications. After dental implant surgery, patients are encouraged to rest for 2-3 days. Having dental implants involves installing metal posts in the bone of the missing tooth, which requires some rest for healing. The surgical site should also not be disturbed, including rinsing, touching or spitting for 24 hours.
Here are some more tips for patients who get dental implant surgery in our Rancho Cucamonga, CA dental practice:
1. Reduce the amount of swelling after the dental implant procedure by applying a soft ice pack to their cheek.
2. Patients should expect some bleeding for 24 hours after the procedure. Excessive bleeding can be stopped with gauze, but should apply it gently.
3. Only soft foods and liquids are permitted on the day of surgery. Afterward, patients can eat what feels comfortable, avoiding the area of the implant. Hot food and liquid is not recommended.
4. Antibiotics should be taken as instructed and ibuprofen or acetaminophen can be taken for the pain.
Call us today at (909) 296-7920 if you have additional questions about dental implant surgery recovery instructions.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Alta Loma Dental Care Offers Surgical Instructions for Wisdom Tooth Extraction Recovery
Here at Alta Loma Dental Care, we provide tooth removal for a variety of reasons. Some teeth may be infected and the patient chooses extraction over root canal, others need to be pulled because they are impacted or are wisdom teeth. Dr. Michael Kim has specific surgical instructions after wisdom tooth removal that should be followed for optimal healing.
If a tooth is removed because it is impacted, there may be some mild swelling and discomfort, but not much more than a typical tooth extraction. A cold compress placed gently on the cheek can reduce some of the swelling. An antibiotic or pain relief medication may also be prescribed, and should be taken as directed. We recommend following a diet of soft foods and liquids.
Wisdom tooth extraction requires a longer healing time. Therefore, Rancho Cucamonga, CA patients should be careful after the procedure. Gauze will be placed on the site right after surgery, and should be removed for an hour, then discarded. As with all extractions, Rancho Cucamonga, CA patients must not drink any liquids using a straw as this can dislodge the blood clot and remove the sutures. Patients who follow these simple surgical instructions after tooth removal will have faster healing and less chance for complications.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Alta Loma Dental Care Provides Post Op Instructions to Rancho Cucamonga, CA Patients
Oral surgery ranges from tooth extractions and root canals to cosmetic procedures like dental implants. Here at Alta Loma Dental Care, we provide these procedures and more, but also have post op instructions for patents. The post op instructions are in place to help the healing process go more smoothly, reduce complications and offer the patient a more comfortable experience before returning to our office.
Rancho Cucamonga, CA patients who get a procedure requiring anesthesia need to have a ride home. Root canal, crowns, bridges and corrective procedures don’t typically require anesthesia, therefore patients can drive themselves home. In order to let the anesthesia wear off, all anesthesia patients must wait in our office for two hours before going home.
Here are some basic post op instructions for different procedures Dr. Michael Kim offers:
Root Canal – Avoid chewing on the side of the mouth where you had the root canal and take antibiotics prescribed to you.
Crowns and Bridges – Expect some sensitivity and soreness after being fitted for a crown and/or bridge. Chew slowly at first and inform us if you experience any difficulty.
White Fillings – Patient’s teeth are slightly sensitive after the filling and should avoid hot and cold food and drinks for 2-3 days after the procedure.
Veneers – It can take about a week for the veneer to feel normal. Patients should not pull up with dental floss and should brush the veneer gently.
Scaling and Root Planing - Rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day with salt water.
Contact us if you have questions about these post op instructions.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Surgical Instructions After an Impacted Tooth at Alta Loma Dental Care
Here at Alta Loma Dental Care, we are dedicated to providing our dental patients with quality dental care from the time of your in-office experience to your at-home preventative, maintenance, and recovery care. That’s why we provide our Rancho Cucamonga, CA patients with detailed home care tips and instructions, including surgical instructions after an impacted tooth.
After oral surgery for an impacted tooth or wisdom tooth, it is important to follow our post-surgical instructions to a T. This will help to minimize discomfort, swelling, and support proper healing. General surgical instructions after an impacted tooth include:
- · Proper use of gauze pads
- · Avoiding rinsing vigorously prematurely
- · Keeping the surgical site clean
- · Utilizing ice to minimize swelling
- · Taking pain medications as indicated by us for discomfort
- · Using a mouth rinse containing warm water and salt
Keep in mind, these are just general instructions. You will be given a full set of detailed instructions that are meant to make your recovery from oral surgery as smooth and unremarkable as possible. However, if at any time post-surgery you have questions or concerns about your recovery from oral surgery for an impacted tooth, be sure to call our Alta Loma Dental Care office in Rancho Cucamonga, CA at (909) 987-6268.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Rancho Cucamonga, CA Patients Visit Alta Loma Dental Care for Multiple Tooth Extractions
If more than one tooth needs to be removed, many of our Alta Loma Dental Care patients prefer to have multiple tooth extractions during one visit. Not only does this save the patient time, but offers the advantage of feeling any potential discomfort following an extraction only once.
Rancho Cucamonga, CA patients who have extensive or severe periodontal disease, and who need their teeth removed, are usually encourage to have multiple tooth extractions in a single visit rather than having teeth removed over multiple visits.
Our dental patients should know that multiple tooth extractions are quite different than removing one or two teeth. When the jaw bone loss is so extensive, as is often the case with severe periodontal disease, and risk of continuous dental infections and gum inflammation could impact the overall health of a dental patient, multiple tooth extractions in one visit is typically advised.
To determine if you are a candidate for multiple tooth extractions, please contact Alta Loma Dental Care directly at (909) 296-7920 and arrange your consultation.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Alta Loma Dental Care Provides Rancho Cucamonga Patients with Extraction Site Preservation
Whether it is due to an abscess, impacted wisdom tooth, advanced gum disease, or severe tooth decay, sometimes it’s necessary to extract a tooth at our Alta Loma Dental Care office.
However, it’s necessary to know that after a tooth is removed, extraction site preservation is of utmost importance. This is because the bone that supports the teeth, called the alveolar bone, begins to collapse after a tooth extraction. The gum surrounding the removed tooth begins to thin as well. If nothing is done to preserve the extraction site, the jaw bone may change shape and degenerate, and can eventually cause your teeth to shift. Of course, this can affect your ability to eat and how you speak.
Several options exist for extraction site preservation, including a dental implant and dental bridge. We at Alta Loma Dental Care in Rancho Cucamonga, CA will discuss the options of what to do to preserve your extraction site before your tooth is removed. If you are ready to schedule your appointment for a tooth extraction with our practice, please call our office at (909) 296-7920.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Makeover Your Smile at Alta Loma Dental Care with Snap-On Smile
Do you have stained, uneven, crooked, chipped or even missing teeth? If so, do you like the sounds of having a smile makeover without having to undergo an extensive dental procedure? Here at Alta Loma Dental Care in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, we offer Snap-On Smile.
Snap-On Smile works just like its name. A new smile is “snapped on” and is placed over your current teeth. There are no extractions, drilling, whitening chemicals, and best of all — no pain! All it takes is just two speedy and pain free visits to our office.
- First visit: You select the style and shade of your new smile
- Second visit: After your new Snap-On Smile is manufactured (about three weeks), you’ll come back to Alta Loma Dental Care to have your new smile placed.
To learn more about the two quick visits to a new beautiful Snap-on Smile, please give our Alta Loma Dental Care office in Rancho Cucamonga, CA a call at (909) 296-7920.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Our Bone Grafting Capabilities at Alta Loma Dental Care Provide Rancho Cucamonga, CA Dental Patients With More Successful Dental Implants
Here at Alta Loma Dental Care, we are committed to providing our patients with a Rancho Cucamonga, CA dental practice that can address complete dental needs. That is why we maintain comprehensive bone grafting capabilities. We complete bone grafting for our patients who need to build and strengthen their jaw bones to fully support dental implants or other tooth prosthetics. Since bone grafting involves a surgical process, our Alta Loma Dental Care patients gain peace of mind in knowing they can complete this procedure at a practice they trust.
The bone grafting process starts by collecting a bone sample from another part of the jaw or elsewhere in the body. The bone sample is then used to patch and strengthen the future site of the tooth prosthetic. Over a period of months, the bone graft will naturally heal as a part of the jaw, providing adequate strength and stability for the implant or other restorative.
If you have been seeking dental implants in the Rancho Cucamonga, CA area but you’ve been told your jaw may not be strong or thick enough to accommodate, contact us here at Alta Loma Dental Care and ask us about our bone grafting capabilities.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Want to Try Invisalign in Rancho Cucamonga, CA? Rely on Us at Alta Loma Dental Care
Here at Alta Loma Dental Care, we provide our Rancho Cucamonga, CA patients with a variety of modern orthodontic solutions including Invisalign.
Invisalign allows our patients to cosmetically straighten their smiles without the need to adjust their lifestyle or compromise their appearance. That’s because Invisalign is comprised of clear plastic tooth aligners that are flexible, discreet, and can be removed as needed. Our Alta Loma Dental Care patients especially love the ease and manageability of the Invisalign treatment, in addition to the beautifying results.
We recommend Invisalign to those Rancho Cucamonga, CA dental patients who are in need of mild to moderate cosmetic alignment. While the Inivsalign treatment frequently requires a longer treatment time than our other orthodontic options like Six Month Smiles, the aligners are so inconspicuous and comfortable to wear, the process will hardly feel like an adjustment.
If you’re interesting in Invisalign and you live in near Rancho Cucamonga, CA, call us here at Alta Loma Dental Care. We’ll help you determine if this discreet orthodontic option is right for you.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Night Guards Here at Alta Loma Dental Care Beat the Pain and Damage of Bruxism for Rancho Cucamonga, CA Patients
One issue that often affects the structure and beauty of our patients smiles is the problem of frequent teeth clenching or chronic teeth grinding, also known as bruxism. Here at Alta Loma Dental Care, we keep our Rancho Cucamonga, CA patients informed on how this behavior impacts their tooth enamel and how it can be controlled. As an easily manageable, noninvasive and effective solution, we recommend custom fabricated night guards.
Night guards work by interrupting the force and stress that occurs during unconscious teeth grinding and clenching. This prevents the cracking, chipping and weakening of tooth enamel that can occur as a result of bruxism. Night guards also help to relieve the soreness, tension and headaches that are common side effects of teeth clenching and grinding.
If you have been seeking a custom night guard in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, or you need help protecting your teeth from the effects of teeth grinding, contact us at Alta Loma Dental Care.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Get TMJ under Control in Cucamonga, CA with Our Services at Alta Loma Dental Care
For those Rancho Cucamonga, CA dental patients who awake with headaches, swollen cheeks, or with a sore jaw, you could have a common condition known as TMJ. Here at Alta Loma Dental Care we are happy to assure you that TMJ and its symptoms are easy to address and relieve.
Patients frequently develop TMJ when night grinding, stress, or injury results in excess of pressure on the temporomandibular joint. In addition to minimizing and eliminating behaviors and conditions that cause and aggravate TMJ, like gum chewing or improper maintenance of dental restoratives, custom night guards can be used to minimize tension and reduce pressure on the joints.
If you are experiencing night grinding, find that your jaw locks, clicks and pops, or you have trouble chewing, you may have TMJ. Visit us here at Alta Loma Dental Care, where we have helped many Rancho Cucamonga, CA relieve and control the discomfort of TMJ.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
At Alta Loma Dental Care Our Crowns Give Rancho Cucamonga, CA Patients A Regal Smile Restoration
When a tooth is damaged due to severe decay, infection, breakage or other issue, a restoration is imperative to preserve the tooth’s function and the complete beauty of a smile. We work hard to ensure that all of Rancho Cucamonga, CA patients can rely on us to preserve smile aesthetic as well as oral health. One way we accomplish this is with high quality, custom dental crowns.
Crowns are a great way to turn back the clock on tooth enamel. Although they can be crafted from a variety of materials, porcelain crowns allow us to protect the structure of a tooth while refinishing its surface. While crowns are most commonly used to restore a damaged tooth, in some cases, they can be used as part of a cosmetic treatment or smile makeover. If you’re in need of either, please contact us directly here at Alta Loma Dental Care. We look forward to answering all of your questions on dental crowns and the many other smile services and solutions we provide.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Rancho Cucamonga, CA Patients Renew Their Smiles With Our Modern Denture Services
Contrary to what you may think when you think about dentures, the right fit and the right pair will provide you with a reliable and beautiful smile replacement. The dentures that we provide to our Ranch Cucamonga, CA practice are designed to appear and perform to meet the highest expectations.
The dentures you’ll receive from us at Alta Loma Dental Care are created from only the highest quality dental prosthetic materials, which are crafted to perfectly suit your features and fit comfortably. While nearly all dentures do require some time to adjust and fully make the transition, we provide our patients with personalized care and professional expertise that ensures complete satisfaction. Contact us directly here at Alta Loma Dental Care if you’re ready to make the switch into your very own high quality dentures.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Alta Loma Dental Care Patients, Fix That Chip, Crack or Stain with Dental Bonding
Do you have a tooth chip, fracture, gap or other structural issue and you’re not sure if it’s worth a fix? It is! Here at Alta Loma Dental Care, we have a tooth restorative solution that’s perfect for surface and structural issues that are too small for a crown but still deserve care. Dental bonding can be used to restore and refinish the surface and structure of a tooth when it’s been compromised due to minor issues. This versatile and effective dental solution has been advantageous for those Rancho Cucamonga, CA dental patients who are seeking a speedy and reliable smile fix—particularly for issues that are too big for a filling, but not quite enough for a crown or veneer.
If you’re in the Rancho Cucamonga area and you’ve been waiting to correct that tooth chip, crack, stubborn stain or gap, come see us here at Alta Loma Dental Care and well help you determine if bonding or any of our other restorative and cosmetic dental services can help.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
At Alta Loma Dental Care, Dental Hygiene Remains Our Patient Care Priority
Dental hygiene affects the brightness of your smile, the freshness of your breath, and most importantly, the function, structure and longevity of your teeth. If you practice proper dental hygiene habits, you can expect to benefit from minimal-to-no tooth decay, the absence of gum disease and its harmful effects, and a brighter, whiter smile that creates a wonderful impression. Conversely, if you neglect your dental hygiene, you’re asking for problems both minor and major. Here at Alta Loma Dental Care, we work hard to communicate this to all of our Rancho Cucamonga dental patients.
There are a number of ways we’re here to help you protect your oral health through simple yet effective dental hygiene services. Besides keeping all our patients educated on the importance of proper brushing and flossing, a smile-friendly diet, and diligent dental checkups, we can give you a comprehensive understanding of your current dental hygiene and specific steps you should be taking. Here at Alta Loma Dental Care, we provide complete restorative, surgical and smile improvement services that can correct periodontal and structural issues—which may be compromising your ability to effectively practice good dental hygiene.
While a health smile is important for everyone, no two are alike. For this reason, we encourage you to make an appointment at Alta Loma Dental Care. Together we can discuss your current oral hygiene habits, as well as your state of oral health, to determine any needed treatments and to help you stay on the right track. We look forward to seeing you at our Rancho Cucamonga, CA practice and to helping you gain and maintain a beautiful smile.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Our Rancho Cucamonga, CA Cosmetic Dental Patients are Thrilled with the Results of Their Veneers
Did you know that veneers are one of the best methods for achieving that red carpet read smile? Did you also know that we regularly provide our cosmetic dental patients with veneers right here at Alta Loma Dental Care?
Veneers are essentially a thin porcelain shell that’s individually shaped and bonded to a tooth’s structure. They make is possible to correct discoloration, cracks, chips, gaps and other surface issues—resulting in a picture perfect, totally customized smile. Our Rancho Cucamonga, CA cosmetic dental patients who have chosen veneers have been thrilled the results of their sleek, totally natural looking smile makeover.
The complete veneers process requires about two visits with time needed for tooth preparing and impressions, laboratory fabrication and finally permanent bonding. When your veneers procedure is complete, you’ll be left with an ideal, stain resistant smile that requires little special maintenance. While they may sound like a wonderful cosmetic dental solution, and they are, veneers aren’t for everyone. If you’re interested in making over your smile, come see us here at Alta Loma Dental Care and we’ll help you decide if veneers can deliver the results you seek.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Wisdom Tooth Extractions
Wisdom teeth can be tricky. While some never emerge, others become impacted, create gaps and cause misalignment. Unfortunately, wisdom teeth never seem to grow in correctly. This is a common concern among all patients, especially those that have just finished aligning their smile through an orthodontic treatment.
You can prevent these problems from occurring by being proactive about your oral health. Wisdom tooth extractions are simple and straight forward with the advanced technology, sedation and anesthesia available. Once the wisdom teeth have been removed, I recommend a day of rest, medication and a soft diet. This ensures that the healing process is quick and that you are comfortable during recovery.
If you are in need of wisdom tooth extraction in the Alta Loma, CA area, or you aren’t sure if you should undergo this procedure, visit our website You can also call Alta Loma Dental Care with any questions about wisdom teeth you may have. I look forward to helping you keep your smile healthy.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Dental Implants
Missing or extracted teeth might feel like a cosmetic issue, but they can actually have a serious impact on your oral health. It’s important to restore your smile to prevent periodontal disease and misalignment. While I offer a number of tooth restorative options at my practice, dental implants are one of the best tooth prosthetic options available. This unique tooth replacement has a number of advantages over other restoratives:
• They can be placed on patients regardless of age. Teens, adults and seniors can all benefit from dental implants.
• They can be placed anywhere within the mouth in both your top and bottom jaw.
• Implants can be used to replace a single tooth or to replace multiple teeth for a complete smile makeover.
• There is no need to modify any of the surrounding teeth to place the implant. They don’t rely on any of the surrounding teeth for support, either.
• With regular brushing, flossing and bi-annual dental visits, implants can last a lifetime.
• They look and feel just like a natural tooth, blending in with the rest of your smile.
• They do not affect your speech, eating, or cosmetic appearance.
Dental implants have left many of my Alta Loma, CA patients with a fully restored smile. For a better understanding of the dental implant process and whether or not they will be the most successful option for your smile, arrange an appointment at Alta Loma Dental Care!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Tooth Whitening
Everyone wants a brighter, whiter smile. Whether you are looking to improve your smile appearance after quitting smoking, to prepare for a wedding, audition or special event, or just to improve your confidence and feel more attractive, teeth whitening is a simple, but effective cosmetic option. There are a number of tooth whitening products available on the market, including tooth pastes, mouthwashes, gels and strips. However, many of these over-the-counter products aren’t as effective as patients would like.
I offer professional teeth whitening and custom trays at my Alta Loma, CA practice. With trays that are custom fabricated to meet the needs of your unique smile, teeth whitening is comfortable, effective and long lasting. I provide all of my patients with instructions on how to use their new, custom whitening trays and prescribed whitening gel. If you are looking to brighten your smile, contact my Alta Loma, CA practice and schedule an appointment. I look forward to helping you brighten your smile!
Friday, April 5, 2013
Six Month Smiles
Are Six month smiles the right alignment solution for you? If you are looking for an alternative to traditional orthodontic braces, this accelerated tooth straightening solution could be a great way to improve your smile alignment. This unique orthodontic system has improved the tooth alignment of many of my Alta Loma, CA patients in a little under a year. It is a great solution for patients with mild to moderate smile misalignment, gaps and crowding. If you don’t require any major bite or alignment corrections, Six Month Smiles could be the perfect solution for you. Here are just some of the benefits Six Month Smiles has to offer:
- · Accelerated treatment time
- · A more discreet appearance when compared to traditional braces
- · They are fairly indistinguishable in photographs and from a distance
- · A more economical alignment solution than most conventional orthodontic and cosmetic treatments
- · Comfortable alignment, as less force is needed for tightening and adjustments
I always want to make sure that my patients are getting the most out of their smile improvement and I’m happy to help you decide on the best solution for your unique smile. I encourage patients to visit my Alta Loma, CA practice to determine if Six Month Smiles will provide you with the alignment results you’re seeking.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Picasso Lite Dental Laser
Here at Alta Loma Dental Care, we are always seeking ways to advance our care capabilities. We do so for the sake of keeping our practice modern and innovative, but we also want to make your procedures more comfortable and efficient. One exciting tool that we use is a dental laser. This laser lets us perform a number of different procedures using the same piece of equipment. We can use the dental laser to correct problems that concern your periodontal health, soft tissue and gum concerns, and the look of your smile.
If you’re dealing with an uncomfortable cold or canker sore, we can quickly remove these unsightly irritations with the dental laser. We can also reduce and modify the appearance of your gums, complete crown lengthening through soft tissue reduction, treatment infection, periodontal conditions and more.
Some of the most favored advantages of the dental laser are the reduced discomfort and soreness, elimination of bleeding and accelerated recovery time. Since the dental laser can be used to pinpoint a specified area and there’s no manual contact, there’s less trauma to the surrounding tissues. This makes your procedure more efficient and hygienic.
If you want to learn more about this and the other capabilities we offer to give you the best dental experience possible, set up your appointment and we’ll provide answers to all of your questions.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Good For Your Smile, Good For Your Heart
If you’ve been paying attention to health news topics, you’ve probably come across reports on how your oral hygiene relates to your cardiovascular system. More and more studies are examining how the bacteria that thrive among unhealthy teeth and gums will travel through the bloodstream and create problems for the heart. This revelation is just another testament to the importance of flossing for the sake of your smile and your overall health. Did you know there are other steps you can take to protect both? If it’s good for your smile, it’s probably good for your heart and overall health.
- Eat More Fruits and Vegetables – Fruits and vegetables provide you with the nutrition you need to build and maintain the tissues that make up your mouth and the rest of you. Certain raw fruits and vegetables can also act as a natural toothbrush. They help you stay hydrated, manage cholesterol and boost your immune system. The advantages of a healthy diet
- Drink More Water – When you’re hydrated, your gums stay healthy and able to fend against harmful bacteria. Keeping hydrated is also essential to performing physical activity, maintaining a healthy diet, and allowing your body to better complete its most basic functions.
- Get More Exercise – A study completed at Case Western Reserve University concluded that adults who exercised for thirty minutes a day where over 40% less likely to suffer from periodontitis. Exercise is also great for your waistline, your energy levels, your cardiovascular health, and your longevity.
- Reduce Stress – When you’re stressed, do you notice your jaw clenching? Stress can even cause you to grind your teeth while sleeping and result in painful headaches, jaw problems and enamel damage. Stress is also a detriment to your blood pressure, heart health and overall wellbeing. Taking care of yourself and your smile means monitoring your stress levels and finding a healthy outlet to relieve your tension.
- Don’t Use Tobacco Products – Tobacco products, whether cigarettes, chew or pipe, not only stain your teeth but they also allow bad bacteria to flourish and put you at risk for oral cancer and other serious conditions. Kick your tobacco product to revitalize your smile and save your heart.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Importance of Cosmetic Dentistry and a Beautiful Smile
Importance of Cosmetic Dentistry and a Beautiful Smile
Did you know your smile can be the primary factor toward whether or not you’re viewed as attractive? Studies and surveys have found that a bright, aligned smile is considered the most important physical feature by the majority of men and women. Bet your cosmetic smile improvement just moved a little higher on your priority list!
Cosmetic dentistry is important for its immediate aesthetic result, but there are a few subsequent effects that make smile improvements beneficial beyond the surface. Like you would with a home, car or anything you’ve invested in, patients who treat their smile as an asset worth their time and money take better care of their teeth on a daily basis. This means better brushing, flossing and regular dental checkups. A straightened smile makes it easier to banish bacteria, perform through cleaning and identify concerns that could compromise your health. And last but not least, cosmetic dentistry and the results of a brighter, aesthetically pleasing smile make you want to reveal your smile more, which gives you the confidence to make the right impression and put your best self forth.
If you’re ready to discover how cosmetic dentistry can benefit you, we look forward to your call.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Periodontal Disease
Periodontal disease is a severe condition that affects nearly 10% of the population. What starts with minor infection and inflammation of soft tissue as the earliest stages of gum disease, can escalate into tooth loss, hard tissue damage and spread of severe infection.
Recovering from advanced periodontal disease is quite costly and the odds of totally eliminating it aren’t great. That’s why it’s extremely important to catch any signs of periodontal disease early and get the proper care. Effective treatment of periodontal disease requires diligent maintenance on your part and professional dental intervention.
If you notice any of the following signs of periodontal disease, it’s of the utmost importance that you see us for care.
- Your gums bleed during or after your brushing and flossing.
- Your gums appear red, swollen and tender, frequently feel sore, and appear to be receding from your teeth.
- You experience bad breath or a foul taste in the mouth even if you’ve just brushed a short while ago.
- Your teeth feel loose or can be physically moved in the gum bed.
- You notice any changes in your bite alignment or the stability of any restorative or prosthetic dental work.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea dentistry deals primarily with this concern. One of the most common treatments provided through sleep apnea dentistry is the nightly use of a simple oral appliance which prevents the airway obstruction. Most sleep apnea oral appliances are similar to night guards that prevent night grinding.
Many patients are quite satisfied with a night appliance as a form of sleep apnea therapy and the consensuses is that they are more comfortable, flexible and convenient than a CPAP machine and mask, which fits over the mouth and nose and requires electricity. If you snore, or share a bedroom with someone who does, sleep apnea is a condition that may concern you. We welcome your call and questions on how we can help with sleep apnea dental medicine.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
The Secret to Fresh Breath
- Keep gum disease free by visiting for regular checkups and cleanings. One of the symptoms of gum disease is bad breath that quickly resurfaces even after brushing and using mouthwash. If you have bad breath that’s persistent, it could be a sign that your periodontal health is in trouble.
- Practice excellent oral hygiene by brushing and floss every day. Don’t forget to clean your gums, tongue, cheeks and the roof of your mouth, as food particles and bacterial buildup can thrive on these surfaces—causing foul odor. Daily use of a tongue scraper is also a great defense against bad breath.
- Don’t use tobacco products. Whether you smoke it or chew it, tobacco kills the good bacteria that fights disease and wreaks havoc on your mouth.
- Use alcohol free mouthwash and gargle with peroxide. An alcohol-free mouthwash won’t dry out your mouth the way an alcohol rinse will. The antimicrobial mouthwash and the properties of peroxide keep odor and decay causing bacteria at bay.
- Mind your diet – garlic, onions and pungent ingredients can amount to some seriously potent breath. A well balanced diet and moderation are important to keeping your oral and overall health in check and maintain the fresh breath that comes with it. If you suffer from heartburn or GERD, make sure you’re managing your diet, as such conditions can result in bad breath, teeth grinding and enamel damage.