

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Foods to Avoid with TMJ Dysfunction

When dealing with TMJ, it can be frustrating at first. It helps to know what can trigger or prolong pain. At Alta Loma Dental Care in Alta Loma, CA, we want our patients suffering with TMJ to know what foods to avoid.

Crunchy foods like chips and popcorn can be very aggravating to the TMJs. Hard foods like raw vegetables can also irritate the TMJs because of how much force the jaw uses to bite through them. However, since veggies are an important part of your diet, try cooking them so they become softer and easier to chew.

Chewy foods are another type of food that should be avoided when you have TMJ dysfunction. The constant chewing motion and the amount of pressure needed to chew through these foods can cause inflammation. Avoid chewing gum, sticky candies, and tougher cuts of meats and seafood. If you want seafood, choose a more tender option like fish. Meats should also be tender.

Cutting your food into smaller pieces will also help, as overextending the jaw sometimes triggers TMJ pain. To schedule an appointment at Alta Loma Dental Care in Alta Loma, CA, call our office at (909) 987-6268 or visit our website,

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