

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Avoiding Tooth Decay during the Holidays

It’s the time of year for feasting, toasting, and sugary treats, so oral hygiene is especially important. We at Alta Loma Dental Care want our patients to be able to enjoy the holidays without getting a toothache later, so we thought it would be a good idea to point out some common sources of decay and how better choices can make for a better holiday season.

Oral bacteria produces acid was a waste product, which is what causes tooth decay. But tooth decay rates are more closely correlated with the amount of time sugar is left on teeth than the amount or type of sugar in food. When people snack on starchy foods such as crackers during family visits, the debris gets lodged in indentations or between teeth and it’s often several hours until they brush it away. The same is true of drinks such as apple cider, hot chocolate, lattes, and spirits, which leave a sugary residue on the teeth and are often drunk slowly. Sugary drinks such as sodas also dry out the mouth, preventing saliva from washing residue away.

People produce the most saliva when they are eating meals, so it’s best to limit sugar to those times. It’s also a good idea to carry sugar-free gum, which can dislodge some food debris in between meals, and to stick to hard candies that have been flavored with xylitol. If you’re traveling somewhere without fluoridated water, try taking some bottles with you. In between sipping sugary drinks, you can also take sips of water, which will rinse a little sugar away.

Alta Loma Dental Care is at 7283 Carnelian St, Alta Loma, California, 91701. To schedule an appointment, call 909-987-6268 or visit Alta Loma Dental Care and fill out a contact sheet.


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